Tuesday, January 31, 2012
I'm Still Here!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Back to It
I feel like I'm getting into the swing of things. I'm back to work now (for 3 whole days), and I feel like all in all it was good time off.

A finally finished nursery!

A trip to the hospital
Me and Ryder were at the hospital for 5 days. He had a UTI and wasn't gaining weight because of it so he had to go and get better. It was the most heartbreaking thing I've ever had to deal with. And I mean that.
For the most part, things are good. I'm still trying to get myself in order. Slowly, but its coming along.
I promise to be better now. And hopefully not only have phone pictures to post!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Ryder Richard Culligan
First off...I had him at home. It was planned, yes. People think I'm nutty, yes. But it's what I wanted and what I felt comfortable with so that's how I did it.
My due date was July 28. Didn't quite make it there.
I started having contractions at almost exactly 8 am on July 5. It seemed the second I sat down at my desk, they started. They started at 7 minutes apart and weren't really a big deal pain wise. They stayed that way until about 7 or 8 that night. Then they slowly got more intense.
More and more and more intense.
I stayed at work all day. Went to my school (I had already started my leave) and got lasered. Met Kevin for dinner, breathing through contractions the whole time. Then we went to Kevin's softball game at 9.
And then they started to get worse.
By the time the game was over, I was almost not able to just quietly breathe through them. I got out of there just in time. I drove home and started getting a bath ready. I let my midwife know what was going on. She told me to take my bath and then try to get some sleep. If I couldn't sleep through them, to let her know and she would come down.
That was at 10:37
I got in the tub and was in there for about 15 minutes, but our tub isn't very big and my only option was on my back. Wasn't gonna fly.
I got out and got ready for bed. That's when the contractions got bad. I was able to lay on my side for a big and groan through them. Then I couldn't lay down anymore.
I got out of bed and was leaning over it, rocking back and forth. That helped quite a bit. Poor Kevin wasn't allowed to talk to me during them. He was only able to hold my one hand or he got smacked. I felt bad for him...then another contraction came and I got over it.
Finally, at 1:45 Kevin quit listening to me and called my midwife. He let her know that we hadn't slept at all and that the contractions were 2 minutes apart and pretty intense. She said she was on her way...
She lives in bountiful and we live in american fork...do the math.
All throughout the 2 am hour, I was getting more and more nauseous with each contraction an just kept saying "I don't want to throw up" over and over. At about 2:45, that didn't work anymore and told Kevin to get me something. The closest thing was the garbage can in the bathroom and he barely got it to me in time.
I knew that throwing up means your transitioning to the actual birth and then I started freaking out because Camille wasn't here yet. Kev called her again at 2:55 and she said she was just getting off the freeway.
While that phone call was happening, I started pushing. That whole "need to push" thing is real. I had no control, it was happening. I had moved from leaning on the bed to the floor on all fours because that's where I landed when I was throwing up.
At 3:05, Kevin went to help Camille and her assistant get their things into the house and I was on the floor, pushing, by myself. When Camille came in the front room I heard her say, "That sounds like pushing to me!"
I groaned at that comment and told them to come back. I needed Kevin more than anything, and he wasn't in there at the moment.
Camille came in the room, and realized that I really was pushing, not just making noise. She grabbed my shoulders and told me that I had to take deep breaths between pushing so that the baby was getting enough oxygen. Before that I was just kind of freaking out so my breathing was a little crazy.
I took deep breaths, and pushed. Deep breath, push. Deep breath and push.
I could feel the baby coming down with each push, which is actually my favorite part of him being born. At first, I was kind of afraid to push all the way because that meant his head coming out. And all that meant was pain. I was holding back a bit in the beginning.
Then I had a little chat with myself and said that the only way this was gonna be over was to just do it.
2 more pushes and he was out.
Camille handed him to Kevin through my legs (I was still on my hands and knees)...and here is the craziest part.
He was born in his sack. Meaning my water never broke. More on that later.
He wasn't moving or breathing, but because he was still in the sack so he didn't need to be. Camille got it off his face, and at exactly one minute old he started screaming.
Camille wrapped him in a towel and handed him to me. Kevin leaned over to us and kissed me on the forehead. And Ryder opened his gigantic eyes and looked up at us.

I have never been so happy in my whole life. Words can't even begin to explain the emotion that was happening.
Camille and Kimberly got me up onto my bed and got us comfortable. We didn't cut the cord for almost an hour. The three of us were just laying on the bed, in awe of each other.
Then Kevin cut the cord and cuddled his baby boy while I delivered the placenta and got cleaned up.
I got back in my bed and Camille and Kimberly cleaned up everything. They started some laundry and got me some food. Kimberly actually had to run to the store to get quite a few things because we had nothing. We weren't expecting a baby just yet.
And then, just as quickly as everything started, it was over. Camille and Kimberly got their stuff and left at about 5:30 or 6. And our new little family was left alone to get to know each other.
Kevin passed out rather quickly because he had some hard days and very little sleep leading up to this. I was on the phone with people and was cuddling the new love of my life.

I had originally planned to have a water birth but because he was three weeks early, I didn't have the tub yet. And because he came so quickly, we didn't have time to set it up when Camille got there. But, I wouldn't change a thing about how it happened. It was so perfect.
Now, babies who are born in their sack (its called 'born in the caul') are said to be extra lucky, extra intuitive, and almost supernatural. There is also some crazy stuff floating around about these babies not being able to die by drowning...I don't think I'll test that theory but I guess it's nice to know. And I guess we'll see how lucky he really is.

Thursday, June 16, 2011
A Few Things**Updated

It's been awhile, I'm so sorry. Nothing too amazing has been happening up until this last week so I haven't really had a whole lot to talk about.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
One Love 2/6/45 - 5/11/81
Friday, April 29, 2011
What a difference a month makes!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Real Quick...
Yes, I said watching.
On Sunday, I was sitting on the bed folding laundry and watching tv, I leaned back to give my back a rest for a second and just happened to look down right when a spot on my belly popped out for a split second.
Then it happened again, and again.
Now, I just catch myself staring at my belly for who knows how long, waiting to see it again.
I can't believe how unbelievably happy I am right now, looking down at this...
Thursday, March 31, 2011
23 Weeks
How Far?: 23 Weeks, 17 Weeks to go
How Big is Baby?: An ear of corn apparently, 8.5 inches, 1.5 lbs.
Total Weight Gain or Loss: I'm not exactly positive, but I'm gonna say about 6 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: I'm now down to one pair of normal jeans that work with this belly, and only my camis and cardigans fit as far as non-maternity tops go. Everything else is from the mama section
Symptoms: I only get sick if I haven't eaten in awhile, or if I'm eating something amazing and end up clearing my plate...and the table...
I feel non-stop exhausted, sleep does NOT help.
My lower back hurt anyway, now it hurts more...I can deal.
What I miss: Putting my own socks on. I don't wear socks that often, but we went to the REAL game on Saturday (yes, I finally saw my Becks, in the flesh!) and it was cold so I was going to wear socks...I had to have Kevin come in and do it for me because I couldn't reach :(
Sleeping through the night...example: I got up 3 times last night to pee
Cravings: Anything spicy, whether it hurts my tongue or not...I NEED SALSA!
Water, I cannot drink enough water
So, that's me and little R in a nutshell.
In other news, still baby related...because unfortunately (for some), that's all I feel the need to talk about...We got the crib and the dresser!
I just love them...they are still in boxes because we haven't painted yet....but this is them!

Thursday, March 3, 2011
Carson MacKay Youd

Sister (FiNaLlY!!) had her baby! He was being stubborn and didn't want to come out of his momma apparently. She was due on February 22nd and nothing, nothing, nothing...
So she finally had to be induced yesterday. She got started at about 10 a.m. or so, and he was born at about 7 p.m. But we did find out why he wasn't coming out...he is a big boy!!
8 lbs 9oz
20 inches long.
Poor sister had quite a tear, but I think she's okay with it. I'm so proud of her!!! I love my sister so much and now I know what I have to look forward to!
Thank you for letting us be a part of it Kait!!!
Friday, February 11, 2011
It's a...

Here is a picture of his cute little face! He was so curled up in my belly and wouldn't show us his face, so the tech started "beating" my belly with the wand thing to get him to move and he flipped right over and gave us that amazing profile.